1135 – Shipmodul MiniPlex-3USB-N2K

USD 171,00

Manufacturer: Shipmodul

Availability: In stock

SKU: 2024100171 Category: Brand:

1135 – Shipmodul MiniPlex-3USB-N2K


The MiniPlex-3USB-N2K is an advanced multiplexer/gateway which combines NMEA 0183 data from multiple sources into one stream. Its gateway function provides conversion between NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 in both directions.

It also has two NMEA 0183 outputs and a USB port, and received NMEA 0183 sentences can be individually be routed to each of these outputs.

The USB port is bi-directional, so it can transmit NMEA 0183 data to a connected computer and at the same time, it can receive NMEA 0183 data to be routed to one or both NMEA 0183 outputs.

Communication speeds up to 115200 baud are supported.

Input 1 can be set to SeaTalk mode, so it can transmit and receive SeaTalk data. Received SeaTalk data is converted to NMEA 0183 while NMEA 0183 data from any input or USB port can be selectively routed and converted to the SeaTalk port.

All NMEA 0183 inputs, outputs and USB port are galvanically isolated, thus preventing any chance of ground loops.

A comprehensive set of features include routing/filtering of NMEA 0183 sentences, numerous conversions, prioritisation of data etc. make the MiniPlex-3USB the ultimate solution for any interfacing requirement.

NMEA 2000 Gateway

The MiniPlex-3USB-N2K also serves as a multiple gateway between NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000. Each NMEA 0183 input is visible on the NMEA 2000 network as an individual Data Source, one for each physical input, conversions and USB port: 6 in total.

Using the Routing Table, data from every possible NMEA 2000 source can be routed to the USB port and/or both NMEA 0183 outputs.

MiniPlex-3USB-N2K Technical specifications
Supply voltage: 8-35 VDC, protected against reversed polarity
Current consumption: 50 mA (100 mA max. with fully loaded talker ports)
Host interface: USB, galvanically isolated
Internal speed: 460800 baud
Inputs: 4 x NMEA 0183/RS422, galvanically isolated
In 1 can be set to SeaTalk mode
Input resistance: > 1.4 kOhm
Input current: 0.5 mA @ 2 V
3.0 mA @ 5 V
7.1 mA @ 10 V
Outputs: 2 x NMEA 0183/RS422, galvanically isolated
Out 2 can be switched to RS485/Modbus-RTU
Max ouput current: 20 mA @ > 2 V
Routing table size: 50 sentence types
Priority table size: 50 sentence types
Speed NMEA 0183 inputs: 4800 – 115200 baud
Speed NMEA 0183 Outputs: 4800 – 115200 baud
Indicators: Overflow and Data
Housing: Flame retardant ABS
Dimensions: 138 x 62 x 30 mm
NMEA 2000
Manufacturer Code: 595
Product Code: 12738
LEN: 1
Connector: M12 male Micro-C


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